Live Center & Bull Nose Centers Guarantee & Warranty

ALL STANDARD "Off The Shelf"' Catalog Roofe Live Centers manufactured by Roofe will be Sealed, Serial Numbered, Recorded as to Purchaser, Dated, and will carry Roofe's amazing one year unconditional guarantee.

The one year guarantee will begin the date sold, will cover all parts for any reason of failure NOT DUE TO USER NEGLIGENCE as determined by Roofe. Roofe will be the sole judge as to thecondition of all tools so guaranteed. All tools that users feel need tobe sent under this guarantee must be returned to Roofe freight prepaid. The tools will be inspected by Roofe and, if necessary, will be completely restored to new condition and returned to the user. Roofe will bill the user a service fee of $50.00 to cover the handling and boxing charge plus return freight charges. Roofe's original seal must have not been broken. A broken seal will void the guarantee.

Roofe Precision Products, Inc. Live Centers and Bull Nose Centers are designed, manufactured, and sold with the following express warranty: Roofe Centers should only be used in tailstocks of lathes and grinders unless the head stock has a compound feature that allows the body of the center to remain stationary; thus, not rotating. The body of the center should never rotate. Any use of the center in any manner different than listed above will void all warranties.

All Roofe Centers are designed, manufactured, and offered to users who understand the following: The capacity of the Bearings (as marked by an asterisk in our catalog) indicates the maximum capacity of the bearings rated by the bearing manufacturer. Roofe Centers are designed and manufactured such that the load capacity, as listed in the catalog, is the maximum workpiece weight allowed assuming the workpiece weight is evenly distributed from end to end and is mounted in a horizontal manner. The listed capacities do not include a safety margin which should be considered by the user.


Since 1938 - Manufacturers of ROOFE SUPER CENTERS



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